Clarissa R., South Carolina
“We love what My Virtuous Quest has added to our lives.”
Danielle B., Oregon
“We are loving My Virtuous Quest! I originally ordered it for my 6 year old but realized my 9 year old would benefit from the challenges as well! My 6 year old already had impressed me with his desire to rise to the challenge and earn those Badges! Can’t wait to see all the growth that comes over the next few months!”
Gail D., Maryland
My Virtuous Quest helps kids associate their actions with vocabulary that explains what they should/can do and why they should do it. It helps them frame their thinking about their own behavior. My Virtuous Quest provides a concrete and systematic method to the question, "How can we instill important values in our young children."
Mary P., Colorado
“I’m using My Virtuous Quest with my kids and they are learning the Virtues and what they mean. They run in here telling us who was honest and compassionate. Because of My Virtuous Quest, my son has been helping a new friend adjust to school. It’s a really great chart.”
Kirk L.
“My Virtuous Quest provides structure and an organized reminder to focus on the teaching of virtuous behavior.”
Alejandra C., Michigan
“What excites me most is having a concrete tool to work on each of the Virtues with the built-in reward to spend quality time with each of my kids. ”
Marcey C., Texas
“I love that this will give us, the parents, reminders to praise these attributes we find most important. Sometimes it is easy to overlook and focus on the kid's wrong-goings. It is also easy to think that someday I might put something together to do this, but in would never get done! Thanks for making it for me!”