• My Virtuous Quest (MVQ) is a children’s game and parental tool that helps children become their best (and happiest) selves by understanding and internalizing core virtues, including compassion, courage, generosity, honesty, ownership, patience, and perseverance

  • My Virtuous Quest (MVQ) helps children understand and demonstrate core virtues, such as compassion, courage and generosity. Through MVQ, children learn what these virtues mean and earn Badges when they demonstrate them. The Badges depict each virtue in a vivid, understandable, and memorable way that helps the child understand and internalize the virtue. Each time a child earns a Badge, they place it on their Virtue Board in the row corresponding to that virtue. When a child earns 10 Badges for a virtue, they earn a “Mystery Adventure,” which is a fun activity that parents tailor for their child. As children earn Badges and Mystery Adventures, they reflect with their parents on their words and actions and the virtues become part of their everyday lives. And the Mystery Adventures the child earns on the Quest become cherished and memorable parent-child bonding experiences.

  • We have found that My Virtuous Quest works best for children aged 3 – 10 years.

  • My Virtuous Quest is available for purchase exclusively online. To place your order, click HERE.

  • There are two versions of My Virtuous Quest – a wooden board version and a poster version. Both versions function the same way and both feature exquisite, child-friendly artwork that helps motivate and inspire children to be their best (and happiest) selves.

  • A Mystery Adventure is a fun family bonding experience tailored by the parent and awarded to the child after the child earns 10 Badges for a Virtue. It could be a picnic in the park, a trip to the zoo or a museum, camping out in the backyard or living room, family movie night with popcorn, building and launching model rockets, an afternoon at an arcade or science center, ice skating, a day at the beach or in the mountains, a science experiment, or any other special and memorable experience.

  • We recommend starting to think about what Mystery Adventure to award once the child earns eight or nine Badges so you’ll be ready when the 10th Badge is earned. Pick something your child will be REALLY excited about and that can happen within a week or so of the child earning the Mystery Adventure. If it requires advanced planning (figuring out any equipment or materials, securing tickets, determining logistics, etc.), be sure to prepare before your child earns the 10th Badge so you’re ready.

  • Yes. Mystery Adventures can be as easy to plan as you’d like. A Mystery Adventure could be a new or beloved experience, like a hike with a special picnic, bowling, going to an arcade, ice skating, a movie night with special treats, attending a play, going to the zoo or a museum, or countless other things that require minimal planning. The key is for it to be extremely special and fun for your child, and low-stress and enjoyable for you.

  • Yes! My Virtuous Quest comes with seven starter virtues (compassion, courage, generosity, honesty, ownership, patience, and perseverance), and parents can choose which ones will be part of their child’s Quest. Further, we offer an add-on set of six supplemental virtues. Stay tuned for more information about those new virtues…

  • We recommend that each child have their own board (or poster version, which is conceptually identical to the wooden version, but at a lower price point). That way the Quest will be personalized to each child, increasing the pride each takes in the process. Additional benefits include more accurately diagnosing the virtues that each child does and does not regularly display, and perhaps even breeding some healthy competition among the children...

  • This depends on the child and the virtue, and the answer is different for every child. Some Badges may be easier for your child to earn if, for instance, your child is naturally generous or courageous. Others may take much longer to earn. The key is to only award a Badge when your child truly deserves one, and to talk with your child about the action for which they earned the Badge. This will help your child reflect on their positive actions and turn them into habits. If your child is missing opportunities to earn Badges or going weeks without earning one, have reflective conversations with them about ways they could change their behaviors and actions.

  • Once a child has earned 10 Badges for each Virtue, their Quest is complete! The child can either take a break from My Virtuous Quest for a while or restart the Quest with a cleared board or new poster version.

  • At first, children may work to exemplify virtues just to earn a Badge. Once they start consistently demonstrating generosity, compassion, courage, and so on, they begin to see for themselves how innately rewarding their virtuous actions are, and the parent-led reflection during this process catalyzes this transformation. They feel proud when overcoming their fears, which leads them to be more confident and to act more courageously in the future. They discover the beauty and joy in sharing with others, which propagates their desire to be generous. They experience firsthand how much comfort they can bring to others by treating them compassionately, and they want to replicate the feeling they experience.

    While using My Virtuous Quest, children experience a change in mindset. Where they initially try to earn Badges just to earn a Mystery Adventure, they learn during their Quest about their power to make their world, and the world of others, a better place. They're still excited about earning Mystery Adventures, but they build their virtuous muscle in thoughts and actions, and the positive ramifications of their actions foster a changed mindset that extends beyond their Quest. Also, and importantly the reward (i.e., the Mystery Adventure) isn't a material possession. It's a bonding experience that forges stronger family bonds, while also providing cherished memories for years to come.

  • The wooden version of My Virtuous Quest retails for $139 and the poster version for $42. Click HERE to purchase My Virtuous Quest.